Man-Nok Wong, PhD
Assistant Professor in Management (OB/HRM)Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Short Vita
Man-Nok Wong is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business, Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He received his Ph.D. in Management from the Hong Kong Baptist University. He studies people management policies and practices, with a particular focus on why their implementation often leads to unexpected outcomes that diverge from their original objectives. His expertise extends to advanced research methodologies for testing complex management theories. Additionally, he co-developed SRM_R, a web-based Shiny app for social relations analysis. His research has been published in the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology and Organizational Research Methods, and has been featured in Harvard Business Review, The New York Times, Daily Mail (UK) and Business Insider. Currently, he serves as the principal investigator for two external research grants, including the Hong Kong Research Grants Council’s Early Career Scheme (ECS) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China’s Young Scientists Fund.
黃文諾,博士,香港理工大學工商管理學院管理及市場學系助理教授,於香港浸會大學獲博士學位。他的研究專注於人員管理政策與實踐,尤其致力於探究為何這些政策的實施往往導致偏離初衷的意外結果。他的研究範疇涵蓋了用於檢驗複雜管理理論的高級研究方法。此外,他還共同開發了一個基於Shiny的交互式Web應用程序SRM_R,專門用於社會關係分析。他的研究成果發表於《Academy of Management Journal》、《Journal of Applied Psychology》、《Organizational Research Methods》等國際頂級學術期刊,並獲《Harvard Business Review》(哈佛商業評論)、《The New York Times》(紐約時報)、《Daily Mail》(每日郵報)、《Business Insider》(商業內幕)等商業雜誌轉載。目前獨立主持兩項科研項目,包括香港研究資助局的傑出青年學者計劃(ECS)及國家自然科學基金的青年科學基金項目。
Academic Degrees
PhD, Management, Hong Kong Baptist University, November, 2020
BSc (Hons) Computing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, September, 2015
BBA (Hons) Major in Management, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, September, 2015